Create an Account

On the main page click “My Account” on the top right corner and fill out the form.

Note that there is two ways to open an account in Shopnest:

  1. The easiest way is to use either Google or Facebook account for linking it with your Shopnest account. Once you are on the registration page you just hit either Google or Facebook icons and your account is ready.
  2. If you prefer to keep your other accounts separate from Shopnest account then you just need to add your email address (number 2) and hit the “Register” button (number 4) as shown below.

If you want to register yourself for shopping only then leave the default selection “I’m a customer” (section 3). If you want to start selling then select “I’m a vendor” and the membership selection field opens to choose the membership that is suitable for your needs – check out more about this in the article “Register as Vendor / Seller.” Also, note that you can register for a vendor later as well.

Once done you are getting a welcome email from us to confirm your account is activated.

June 28, 2023
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