Deal security
You can cancel or return your order if the seller has stated on her shop that she accepts returns. Other than that, it can only happen upon special agreement with the seller.
Therefore, before placing any order make sure you go through all the details under the Product description, Shipping, Warranty, etc
Place an order like in any other online shop. Expect the seller to contact you for order fulfillment. Or you can always contact her by yourself under product or order details.
Note that if you want to buy multiple products from different sellers you need to make a deal with all of them separately.
First of all, we strongly recommend all our customers to use our platform for closing deals. We are partnering with payment service provider Paystack which is taking care of our high-standard security measures as well.
However, parties are still free to make any separate payment agreements by themselves. If this is the case then the deal is closed without Shopnest and we can’t give any support for order fulfillment. Otherways, we stay between the buyer and the seller and make sure the goods are delivered in the expected condition. We have a special concept designed for that (check Buyer Protection).
So, if you decide not to use the payment option provided on the platform then select “Payment agreed with the Seller” while checking out. But note that we, unfortunately, cannot secure your deal.
It is an agreement between the seller and Shopnest that Shopnest will deposit the money collected for the purchase on certain days (usually 3 days) until the buyer has confirmed that she received the order.
If there are any complaints, Shopnest steps in to solve the misunderstanding between parties, and if this is the case, helps parties to revert the deal according to the terms and conditions (here)
Note that in solving any disputes we strictly rely on product descriptions, shipping, and delivery terms provided by the Seller in her store. So, for the Seller, it is vital to be as detailed as possible, both in product description and order fulfillment.
As for the Buyer, it is crucial to go through the product description, shipping information, and warranty terms in detail before making a purchase to avoid any disappointments and misunderstandings.
Fulfillment & Delivery
You can cancel or return your order if the seller has stated on her shop that she accepts returns. Other than that, it can only happen upon special agreement with the seller.
Therefore, before placing any order make sure you go through all the details under the Product description, Shipping, Warranty, etc
We are not offering the delivery service ourselves. Every vendor is arranging her delivery according to the selection made by the customer upon checking out.
We are providing tools and linking you with delivery service providers.
Find more about delivery arrangements under the order fulfillment section.
During the order checkout, you find delivery options available considering your shipping address. Make sure you have inserted the right shipping address.
From the given options, pick the method that you like. Generally, there are three options available:
- Delivery is provided by our partner Kwik – our partner gives the price and you will see it on the checkout page.
- The vendor arranges the delivery; the fee is calculated on the distance basis set by the vendor.
- You are also free to choose your own arrangement. In that case, select the “Separate agreement with the seller” and, the delivery is not included on the invoice. Obviously, we cannot assist you with the delivery process or the warranties.
Always pay attention to vendor Shipping terms under the product description.
Under both delivery options, the vendor is expected to update the shipment details on your order details, so you should follow up on your orders list.
For the deliveries arranged by our partners, we track order fulfillment and collect feedback about the service quality to help you choose your sales and experience the best. So, make sure you give your ratings both to the products and services.
Login & Registration
Yes, you do, but to make it super easy, you can log in with your Google or FB account and your account is ready. You can add any information later.
It is because we are monitoring deals execution, product authenticity, deliveries, customer satisfaction etc, so, we need your genuine and validated feedback.
Or in case you have not received your package, we want to make sure the delivery details were communicated right, and a lot more. So, we need your consent and some of your details for your own convenience.
Payments & Pricing
First of all, we strongly recommend all our customers to use our platform for closing deals. We are partnering with payment service provider Paystack which is taking care of our high-standard security measures as well.
However, parties are still free to make any separate payment agreements by themselves. If this is the case then the deal is closed without Shopnest and we can’t give any support for order fulfillment. Otherways, we stay between the buyer and the seller and make sure the goods are delivered in the expected condition. We have a special concept designed for that (check Buyer Protection).
So, if you decide not to use the payment option provided on the platform then select “Payment agreed with the Seller” while checking out. But note that we, unfortunately, cannot secure your deal.